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Stuck Tail Rotor Pitch

A type of helicopter tail rotor emergency involving a mechanical failure is "stuck pitch or stuck pedal". This means that a linkage or...

Loss of Tail Rotor Thrust

One type of tail rotor emergency in a helicopter is a total loss of tail rotor due to a mechanical failure. This could be a broken shaft,...

Helicopter blade coning

Helicopter main rotor blades are designed to "cone" up in flight. The blades are held rigid by the centrifugal force imposed with the...

low RPM recovery

In a helicopter, RPM (rotations per minute) is life! A helicopter pilot must understand how to recognize low RPM and have the automatic...

Retreating Blade Stall

Helicopters experience unequal lift across the rotor system since there is an advancing blade and a retreating blade. This is called...

Dynamic Rollover

New students and experienced pilots alike need to continually be cautious on the helicopter "pick up". A rushed pickup could lead to a...

Helicopter Take Off

Lets consider the inputs that a pilot must make in order to make a straight take off, outside of the height velocity diagram shaded area....

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